
Yasushi Nakano
In the autumn of 2005 I returned to the small fishing village of D on the northern part of the east coast of the Republic of Korea, where I have been doing long-term fieldwork since 2003. I was just in time to attend the regular meeting of the Youth Association, for the first time in a year. Other than the one new member, all the faces were familiar to me and I was relieved. New topics included the whale that had been caught in the fishing nets several days previously, and which had been sold at a great profit by one of the members, who had then been pressed to make a donation to the Association.
Wataru Enomoto
I have been allocated the topic "The Frontline in Overseas Field Research", but unfortunately my area of expertise is somewhat different. I have been involved with the history of Japan, China and Korea, but as far as overseas research is concerned, I must ask the assistance of my colleagues abroad and learn from their work. Of course I have gained much from them, but I have no confidence about my qualifications to talk on my own behalf. Therefore I would like to speak here of some recent field research I have undertaken in Japan.
Amiko Nobori
When studying diplomatic history a vital question is what kind of primary sources the scholar has been able to use, so whether or not documents are open to the public, and can be accessed, is a matter of great concern. As a result of the growing development of electronic archives in recent years, researchers are able to access materials from within Japan and abroad even from home, using the Internet, and so it can be said their job has been made somewhat easier.
Hiroyuki Hokari
It was after reading Vandana Shiva's Biopiracy, the Plunder of Nature and Knowledge that I became conscious of the intricate connection between modern civilization and the natural environment. This book is a clarion call, warning that the advanced nations are using, in the name of globalization, the acquisition of patents and genetic engineering as new weapons, enclosing indigenous and local knowledge and even life itself in a new version of colonialization.
Fei-Ling Wang
In this essay I briefly discuss the importance of Asian study and its underdevelopment in Asia. However, there have been considerable efforts and impressive achievements of the discipline especially in Japan. Finally, I will attempt to make some observations about what more Japan may do to help furthering Asian study in Asia..
East Asia: An ideal community Updated:23.Feb.06
Fei-Ling Wang
Divided yet booming, East Asia is experiencing an epic reconfiguration. Increasingly, a new organization of East Asian countries is seen as the best way to manage the profound social and economic changes sweeping the region.
Make up with Japan Updated:23.Feb.06
Fei-Ling Wang
Few nations are culturally so similar yet have disliked each other so deeply and so long as China and Japan. As the Chinese proverb goes, "Two tigers cannot live on the same hill." Mutual respect based on equality and understanding is sorely lacking in both China and Japan, a situation that could destine them to a violent showdown.
Japanese Studies of Hindu Nationalism
Mitsuhiro Kondo 
Japanese mass media and non-specialists commonly use the term of hindû shijô-shugi (Hindu supremacism) to indicate Hindutva influences in contemporary India. They previously preferred the use of another term, hindû genri-shugi (Hindu fundamentalism), until coming to appreciate Islamic scholars' admonitions against the imprudent use of the word genri-shugi (fundamentalism). This shift happened just a few years ago, and some people still use the term whether or not they mean to make a strong statement............(03/Mar/05)

Measuring Societies and Life-styles in Central Asia: Beginning of the Process
Timur Dadabaev
Central Asian culture, history, art, politics and economics are the predominant fields which attract the international community of scholars to this unique region. This interest is enhanced by Central Asia's rich heritage at the heart of the Silk Road as a hive of cultural exchange and a melting pot of various peoples and civilizations. The demise of the Soviet Union and the advent of independence for Central Asian states further opened up the region to foreign scholars, and also motivated regional scholars to intensify their research thereby putting modern Central Asia on the global academic map....(Mar/05)

Central Asian Studies in Japan
Komatsu Hisao
Central Asian studies in Japan have a rich historiography. The first serious work was undertaken in the 19th century by a young diplomat, Nishi Tokujiro. After working some years in the Japanese embassy in St. Petersburg, in 1880 he travelled extensively in Russian Turkestan. After returning to Japan he continued to study contemporary Central Asia, and in 1886 he published a book, ......(Mar/05)

British Academic Caravan Returns to the Silk Road
Siddharth S. Saxena
Central Asia has a mystical resonance in the British imagination, whether through the writings of the Orientalists or the biographers of the Great Game. The colonial withdrawal and Soviet takeover of the region instigated a steady decline in what was once a glorious tradition of scholarship of the region in Britain, as the access to it became restricted. ......(Mar/05)

Essay 2011-

Essay 2009-2010

Essay 2007-2008

Essay 2005-2006

Essay 2003-2004